Do currently available suv hybrids need to be recharged?
No need to recharge the batteries, clean energy when the car brakes. Many observers expect that the industry in the future for suv hybrid "plug-in hybrids, offering the possibility of more efficient batteries for the common wall of the house to download, hold a small gasoline engine.
How do Suv Hybrids work?
Instead, rely solely on internal combustion engines, gasoline suv hybrids and two gas-electric motors. Energy is consumed by electric motors stored in batteries. Consume less power to gasoline. Suv hybrid computer system that makes decisions on sources of energy at different times to maximize the effectiveness of providing the same security and comfort of vintage vehicles.
More expensive maintenance cost?
The maintenance of the suv hybrid is not more expensive than conventional cameras, and even cheaper, because the engine braking and less wear and tear. You will probably want to take a suv hybrid dealer, especially since Toyota is 100000 km warranty, and Honda offers a warranty for 80,000 miles, 36000 mile warranty conventional systems. Billing Services frequently, but there are classes throughout the country, learn a bit "of mechanics on hybrid cars independently. After all, there are more than a million of these cars and the mechanics had to answer this question. The program is well suited for the buyers of new suv hybrid. Until the warranty expires, there are a lot of skilled technicians are available hybrids.
You drive a hybrid vehicle, the climate is too hot or cold?
SUV hybrid are to operate in the same temperature and the conditions for conventional vehicles. For example, Honda technical data indicate that its Integrated Motor Assist system deal with as low as 22 degrees below zero. We have seen reports of Prius Barrow, Alaska, suffers from the battery, and 56 degree at frozen damaged tanks below zero. Craig Van Batenburg Hybrid Master reporting technology Ni-MH battery can 140 degree heat. He said: "It just does not get hot. Air cooling works very well." Fuel in winter for all vehicles, suv hybrid or not please.
How often do you replace the suv hybrid battery? And "replacement cost and disposal problems for the environment?
SUV hybrid batteries are designed for the life of the vehicle between 150000-200000 last km, probably more. The warranty covers the batteries for eight to ten years depending on the car.
Cell toxicity is a problem, but today hybrids NiMH rechargeable nickel-cadmium, and no problems factor. "Charging Nickel-Metal Hydride mild. It can be fully recycled," says Ron Cogan, publisher of Green Car Journal. Toyota and Honda claims the recycling of batteries and the risk of poisoning. Toyota makes sure the number in each cell, and pay the $ 200 bonus, and each battery to the recycling.
Not a word replacement costs, because almost never replace. Toyota Prius says that first went on sale in 2000 not to take a battery .
To be continue..........
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